Iglesia el la Casa

viernes, 11 de diciembre de 2015

The Most Important Thing

The point is Jesus. The point is not home church. The point is not how everything or everyone else is wrong. The purpose of this page is to shed light on some things that have been lost in the church that are hindering us. Use them and make corrections. But don’t let it become your primary focus. If your focus becomes what is wrong with the church, you will ultimately wind up a dry and miserable soul.

Body life is only as good as your individual life with Christ. Don’t make the mistake of substituting relationships with people for a relationship with Christ.

The folks who are really good at the basics of Christianity are those who live filled with the Spirit, who live full of faith, and who run their race well. Jesus is our life. Jesus is our focus. The person of Jesus is our joy and our strength. There is only hope in Jesus Christ. He has life within himself. We do not. He is not a concept or a methodology. A focus on methods and systems brings death. Concepts alone are empty and lifeless.

True growth in God comes through suffering, through pain, and by staying broken at the feet of Jesus. Head knowledge is not true growth, and usually gets in the way. There is no mathematical formula for the abundant life. You can pray and read your Bible all day and still be religious, dry and empty. Jesus is the abundant life. Open to Him. Be filled with Him.

Stay at the feet of the Lord Jesus Christ. Never put your hope in men and never put your hope in the church alone. People will almost always disappoint you.We are all terribly weak. Don’t expect too much from people or you’ll live a life full of disappointment. Love people, serve them, and earn the right to speak into their lives by investing in them. Christ is all you’ve got. He is your source. And although He has called us to be in community with others, Christ is all you need. As you live humbly, needy, dependent, and in regular communion with the Lord Jesus, you will be strengthened in the inner man. You will consistently have hope and encouragement for each day. As you are abiding in the vine, not only will you always be content and satisfied with Christ in you, but you will be well suited for body life, and have something to contribute to those around you.

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